FLC University - CRA Basics and Beyond

Want to learn more about the, who, what, when and why of CRAs? How to use them to support economic development or redevelopment projects in your city? This is an introductory course especially designed for elected and appointed officisl, including CRA Board or Advisory Board members. We cover the basic legislative, legal, reporting and practical issues, as well as best practices, for CRAs in Florida. This course will also cover these points: - The pros and cons of CRAs; - How CRAs can b created, administered, modified and terminated; - How elected officials can play a positive role in their activities; - What the duties and responsibilities are of staff; and - What kinds of reports CRAs must complete and when.
5/15/2015 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Hal Y. Maines Community Center City of Lake Butler 155 N.W. 3rd Street Lake Butler, FL 32054
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