Certificate Program for Elected Municipal Officials

As a local elected official, you diligently serve your cities and residents while being faced with numerous challenges and navigating an ever-changing landscape of state and federal laws and regulations.
To support your efforts, the
Florida League of Cities University (FLCU) continues to offer a variety of
in-person and virtual educational opportunities to help municipal officials learn about the latest issues,
trends and best practices.

We know the time commitment and dedication you put toward training and continuing education, and
we want to reward hardworking officials like you who take time out of their busy days to participate
in these valuable programs!

This multi-level certificate of achievement program will allow you to earn points for the activities
in which you are already participating! You can earn or renew certificates annually based on a designated points system.

Level One: Bronze Certificate of Merit - 10 points
Level Two: Silver Certificate of Merit - 20 points
Level Three: Gold Certificate of Merit - 30 points*

*Officials who have completed the Institute for Elected Municipal Officials (IEMO), IEMO II, and who earn their Gold Certificate only need to earn 15 points in subsequent years to retain the Gold Certificate


-Sign Up:
City officials sign up online using the FLC event registration system, at no cost, to pursue or renew certificates.

-Attend Training Events: League staff track each member’s cumulative points through event registrations in our membership database. Points are accumulated from July through July of the following year.

-Track Your Progress: FLC staff will provide status half-way through the year

-Celebrate Your Achievement:
Each year, certificate recipients will receive a press release for their use and recognition in Quality Cities magazine and at the FLC Annual Conference.

For questions please contact Christen Barton at CBarton@flcities.com

8/13/2024 - 7/11/2025

Note: If there are additional registration options for this event, they will be shown below. To add an additional option, click the blue Add button to the left of the item(s). If there are no additional options available for this event, or additional options are available and you have successfully added the appropriate ones to the registration, click the gold Proceed to checkout button on the bottom right to continue on to the next registration step.

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Important note concerning registration confirmations:

We need the email address of the registrant(s) in order to send confirmations. Please provide the email address of the attendee(s) using the badge information link located directly below the registration button.

If you are not the attendee, you will have the option to send yourself copies of the email confirmation(s) after submitting the registration(s), at the end of this sign-up process.