2025: FMAA Annual Seminar 

Mark your calendars for the Florida Municipal Attorneys Association's 43rd Annual Seminar - July 24-26, 2025, at The Boca Raton in Boca Raton, Florida.


2023: FMAA Seminar

Nuts and Bolts of Municipal Law - Municipal Preemption | Handout

Public Health, Safety and Welfare - Declarations of Emergency | Handout


2023: PFAS Liability &  Litigation Update for Local Government Attorneys 

Webinar by: Wesley Bowden, Laura Donaldson, Philip Cossich, and Jody Forunato


Past Seminar Materials

Notebooks from the 2023 FMAA Seminar are available for $175 each. Notebooks from the 2022 FMAA Seminar are available for $150 and notebooks from prior years are available for $125 each.  Please contact Sheri Beal at (850) 222-9684 or her email for information.